Echo SR Switch Rods



Are you interested in a Switch package? Check out our
Echo SR Switch Rod Outfits!

Echo SR Switch Rods are very popular and a great rod for a great price.  Their moderately fast action allows for effortlessly Spey casting while still providing enough punch for overhead casting.  Their 10' 6" to 10' 10" length makes them ideal for small steelhead streams and great fun while swinging streamers for trout.

Echo SR Switch rods are ideal for beginner or expert and you simply won't find a better switch rod option at this price range.

Here is what Echo has to say about their SR rods:

Whether you're using them with one hand or two, spey casting or overhead casting. Switch rods have become an important tool for people who trout and steelhead fish. Great Lakes fly anglers love the light weight and shorter length, Pacific Northwest anglers like the ability to fish in tight places with two hands. With a crisp action and modest power the ECHO SR Rods maintain the load during all styles of spey casting. With models ranging from 10' 6" to 10' 10" they are perfect two hand length but are not beyond chucking with one hand when needed. New to the family is the 3106 (10' 6" #3), a true baby Switch for trout fishing. The family of SR rods will make you smile just putting them together.

  • Four-piece travel design
  • Alignment dots for quick assembly
  • Compact upper handle design with composite upper end
  • #3, #4 and #5 have shorter, more condensed upper and lower handle
  • Black anodized reel seat
  • Dark slate-colored gloss blank
  • Hard chrome single foot guides
  • Olive cordura case with cloth rod sock
  • 40-inch fish hero mark
  • ECHO lifetime warranty
Model: Length: Line: Handle: Pieces: Grain Window*:
3106-4 10' 6" 3wt A 4 225-250
4106-4 10' 6" 4wt A 4 275-325
5108-4 10' 8" 5wt A 4 325-375
61010-4 10' 10" 6wt B 4 375-400
71010-4 10' 10" 7wt B 4 450-500
81010-4 10' 10" 8wt B 4 500-550

*Grain window designations provided by ECHO and should be used as a general guide and will vary based on different manufacturer’s line specifications, as well as each angler's casting style.